How the SCAM company R2games steals your money

by 9:50 0 comentarios
They will defend themselves with countless paid trolls in-game about the "payments", arguing that R2games do not sell "items" you use during gamplay (gear Etc), they will say R2games only sells "gems," which is the currency in the game.

League of Angels, Winterfrost Legacy, Wartune, Nova Genesis, Mythborne, etc.

Of course you need a credit card to buy gems.
But later, once you purchased the gems, when you try to buy something within the game using the gems, they simply and very often ignore your purchase.

And then what to do?
Then you send one, two, three tickets and there is no answer... 
when you are asking about anything else, payment methods, for example, they respond with the greatest haste imaginable... but when they owe you money, because a purchase gems did not work ... you are screwed.

And then if you expose them in-game what they do?
They threaten you with a ban!!! not only the paid trolls but also the very same GM!!!
And of course you are muted. so you cant send an alert by the game chat for the other gullible and innocent players..

This is how R2Games makes its fortune .. ALL the games are pay to win but it seems is not enough! They also have to steal you. LOL you CAN SEE "VIP" CHESTS WHICH ONLY CAN BE OPENED BY VIP PLAYES... (PLAYERS WHICH PAY) and also.. they scam you!!!

Then What is R2Games?

Most of its games are a cheap plagiarism of Final Fantasy, made in flash, horrible quality, horrible gameplay, and also... you are literally robbed



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